美山ショートトリップ全体写真 Group photo of Miyama short trip
The activities of the day were split into two events: First, we enjoyed a guided tour through Kayabukinosato, in the heart of the mountains. The locals explained their traditional roofing method of thatched roofs to us and gave more insights into the village. While there, I realized the same method exists also in my own home country of Germany!
The second activity was crafting our own shimenawa, rice straw rope used for purification, at Michinoeki Miyama Freai. In a large room, we sat in groups and with the help of the instructors crafted our own shimenawa. For some it was more challenging than others, but with a bit of help everyone could take a self-made shimenawa back home at the end of the experience. A personalized memento to remember this day by!
交換留学生(Exchange Student) Dang Trong Duy Anh Claus「よしら」
かやぶきの里ガイドツアー Thatched village guided walk
国際共修チューター(ICL Tutor) 森本 真央 MORIMOTO Mao
しめ縄づくり体験 Shimenawa making experience