

*English follows Japanese.


全学協定交換留学(タイプ1):国立政治大学(2024年2月〜2024年6月)National Chengchi University (Exchange program from February to June 2024)







山田加奈子 YAMADA Kanako(グローバル文化学科 5年)



I chose Taiwan for my second exchange program because I am interested in Asian cultures. As a third-year student, I studied at Tammasat University in Thailand for one year as an exchange student, which increased my interest in Asian countries.

I’m studying at National Chengchi University, which is called NCCU. Students from various countries come to NCCU and study there. NCCU provides many events for international students. I especially enjoyed the food festival in which international students from six countries, such as Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Haiti, etc., provided the traditional food of their home countries or performed their cultural dance. Otherwise, I attended a singing song event. I joined the event just because my Taiwanese friend encouraged me to join it. I was so surprised later because I was the only Japanese who participated in the event. After I finished singing, many audiences spoke to me, and I could make many new friends there. The experience allowed me to realize the importance of being brave and trying anything that I got interested.

Through my life in Taiwan, I realized how close Japan and Taiwan are. Many of my Taiwanese friends have been to Japan and speak Japanese well. Even in Thailand, I had many friends who liked Japan, but in Taiwan, Japanese culture is now a part of their daily topics. I realized this through talking with my local friends, and it would have been difficult for me to understand this if I had not studied in Taiwan.

At NCCU, I feel it is essential to participate in as many different activities as possible and expand my friendships. I have only one month left as an exchange student, but I will do my best for the rest of my study abroad experience.



YAMADA Kanako (Global Cultures, 5th year student)
