*English follows Japanese.
全学協定交換留学: ウーロンゴン大学(2023年2月~11月)University of Wollongong (Exchange program from February to November 2023)
ウーロンゴン大学の教育学科では留学生が私以外には見当たらず、最初は戸惑うことも多かったのですが、教授や現地学生の助けを得ながら、なんとか完遂することができました。児童は1人1人異なるのだから、興味関心に合わせて異なる内容やインプット方法、アウトプット方法が選べる方が良いとする、Universal Design for Learningの考え方を学べたことはとても大きな学びになりました。現地の私立小学校でアシスタントとしてボランティアを行ったり、公立小学校の見学を行えたりしたことも、オーストラリアの小学校の実態を知るのに、とても役に立ちました。
生活面では、なんといってもオーストラリアの多文化性に驚かされました。現地の方々にとってはそれが当たり前なので、The 日本人な見た目な私でも、道を聞かれることがあり、びっくりしました。日本で道に迷ったとき、私からすると外国人に見える方に道を聞くだろうか、と考えると、おそらく聞かないだろうなと思い、私が日本人/外国人をはっきり分けて考えていたことを自覚しました。
藤田 八重 FUJITA Yae(子ども教育 4年)
I decided to study in Australia because I major in primary education and special needs education, and I would have liked to study education including various children in Australia which has been promoting multiculturalism.
In the Department of Education at the University of Wollongong, I struggled to fit into the circle at first as an exchange student. However, I have completed my study abroad with support from professors and regular students. The most impressive thing I have learned was “Universal Design for Learning,” which suggests allowing students to select contents and ways to input and output their learning based on their various characteristics and interests. Also, I have learnt classroom practices in Australian primary schools through working by joining a volunteering job as an assistant teacher at a private school and observing practices in a public school.
Regarding my life in Australia, I was surprised by the multicultural society. For example, I was astonished when a woman asked me for directions because I thought my appearance was that of a typical Japanese woman and that I was a visitor to her, not a local. From this experience, I have realized that I usually draw a line between Japanese and foreign people when I live in Japan because I have yet to ask for directions from someone who looks like a visitor from abroad.
A parrot visiting the beach. Rich natural environment is one of Australia’s attractions.
Moreover, I was amazed that young people casually enjoy creative hobbies such as painting, knitting, and pottery. After being influenced by Australian friends who pursued well-being and enjoyed various hobbies, I also enjoy crocheting.
It definitely enriched my life to learn educational practices based on different values and to interact with people who have different backgrounds. Since I got back to Japan from Australia, I have interacted with international students at Kobe University more actively because I no longer hesitate to talk in English. For example, this semester, I exchange languages and cultures with international students in a Tandem class at Kobe University. Also, I have joined a society in which I talk with international students casually. Based on my experience studying abroad in Wollongong, Australia, I will try as many things as possible.
FUJITA Yae (Child Education, 4th year student)