*English follows Japanese.
全学協定交換留学(タイプ1): ニューサウスウェールズ大学(2023年2月~2023年12月)Univeristy of New South Wales (Exchage program from February to December 2023)
海外に留学して世界中の人と交流しながら勉強することが中学生の頃からの夢で、私の学習したい分野があり、international studentsも多いニューサウスウェールズ大学での交換留学に参加しました。
O-Week at University of New South Wales, Quadrangle
武富 千尋 TAKETOMI Chihiro(グローバル文化 3年)
I had always dreamed of studying abroad to delve into my interests by interacting with people all over the world since middle school. I decided to participate in this exchange program at the University of New South Wales, where there are courses that I would like to study, along with many international students.
As expected, Sydney is a multicultural and diverse city, and I could meet many people with unique backgrounds. Thanks to the internationalized campus of UNSW, I could engage in discussions with various students at tutorials. As a result, I could improve my thinking to comprehend things from multiple perspectives, broaden viewpoints, and brush up my English skills.
Night view at Darling Harbour
Regarding my studies, I enjoyed the development studies course very much. I could talk with a student from the country I’m studying and someone working in the field. I could learn a lot from them about the current situation and issues of the countries, in addition to lectures by professors and academic readings. Also, when I studied language education, I interacted with teachers who teach Japanese overseas and students learning Japanese in Sydney. This experience encouraged me to consider critically improving English education in Japan.
Lectures and tutorials at UNSW were completely different from those in Japan; hence, it was challenging for me to prepare for lectures and review them every single day, but it was a fun learning process. It was also exciting to hang out with my friends. Sydney has breathtaking beaches and gardens, trendy cafes and shops, and restaurants from many countries and cultures.
Living in Sydney for a year enabled me to be more active. Because I lived more actively, I could gain more information and meet new people to get along with; then, I would have a more productive time while studying abroad. Being passionate about everything, such as joining university events and volunteering, was crucial for me to spend fulfilling days there.
View from Shark Island
TAKETOMI Chihiro(Global Cultures, 3rd year student)