部局間協定校:マンチェスター大学(2022年9月~2023年6月)The University of Manchester (Exchange program from September 2022 to June 2023)
I have a strong interest in cultural anthropology, which uses on-the-ground fieldwork to understand the world through different societies. For this reason, I chose to study at the University of Manchester, a world-leading institution for anthropological research. I attended classes on cutting-edge research using film and art, as well as contemporary issues such as migration and development assistance. Every week, I enjoyed lively discussions with professors and other students about our analyses of monographs and ethnographic films.
大学図書館の窓から View from a library window
My own research interest lies in how ‘the others’ —— historically marginalized peoples —— are represented. In spring, when I was getting used to my life as an exchange, I had a meaningful experience relating to my research. Inspired by a class about fieldwork I was taking at that time, I visited a mosque near my university. There, I met intelligent, bright, and open-minded Muslim women who were far different from the stereotypical image portrayed in the Western politics of the veil. To understand these women better, I spent about a month with them afterwards. I learnt a lot, including how they understand Islam and what wearing hijab means to them. Since returning to Japan, I have been working on my graduation thesis that highlights this experience. I am tackling the new challenge of describing the precious people I met into words.
アルフルカーン・イスラミック・センター Alfurqan Islamic Centre Manchester
Looking back on my nine months of study abroad, I feel that it has broadened my perspective horizontally as well as vertically. ‘Vertically,’ because I delved deeper into my research themes through a cultural anthropological approach. ‘Horizontally,’ because I was exposed to differences in people’s everyday lives and ways of thinking. I believe that this is the result of learning the highly specialised content of anthropology in Manchester, and of going out into the field on my own initiative.
滞在していたHulme寮 Hulme Hall
近田 佳乃 KONDA Kano(グローバル文化学科 Global Cultures, 4年 4th year student)