2024/07/10Student Life and ICL Tutors

For Exchange StudentsFor Prospective Exchange Students

神戸大学国際人間科学部へようこそ!Welcome to the Faculty of Global Human Sciences, Kobe University

国際共修チューター Intercultural Collaborative Learning (ICL) Tutors


We are the Intercultural Collaborative Learning (ICL) Tutors at the Faculty of Global Human Sciences, Kobe University. Our activities aim to help incoming exchange students settle down and feel like community members on Kobe University’s Campus and in Kobe City. For instance, we will visit a city hall, post office, and hospital with an incoming exchange student as a Japanese language assistant. We will be a language partner for an incoming exchange student who is brushing up on their Japanese fluency. Additionally, we have events annually so international and regular students can get to know each other and learn about Japanese life and culture, such as short trips and sports days. We hope incoming exchange and regular students enjoy campus life together and meet new friends through our events and activities! Please let us know if you have any concerns when you study at Kobe University. Your tutor is happy to help you!

活動の様子 Our Blog

国際共修チューターの活動や交換留学生との交流については、こちらもご参照ください。Please read our blog to learn more about our activities and student life at Kobe University.


姫路ショートトリップ Short trip to Himeji

姫路ショートトリップ Short trip to Himeji

姫路ショートトリップ Short trip to Himeji

姫路ショートトリップ Short trip to Himeji

2023年9月~2024年7月のイベント Events from September 2023 to July 2024

9月 September オリエンテーション、ウェルカムパーティ Orientation for Fall semester, Welcome party
10月 October 姫路ショートトリップ Short trip to Himeji
12月 December 京都美山ショートトリップ Short trip to Miyama, Kyoto
1月 January 書道イベント、フェアウェルパーティ Japanese calligraphy workshop, Farewell party
2月 February 福寿の蔵元神戸酒心館見学 Visit to Fukuju Brewery, Kobe Shushin-kan
3月 March オリエンテーション Orientation for Spring semester
4月 April 福寿ショートトリップとお花見 Short trip to Fukuju Brewery and cherry blossom viewing
5月 May ICカフェにてミニイベント(各国のカードゲームや言葉遊びなど)
Small events such as card games and word plays from various countries
6月 June Trussと合同でウェルカムパーティ Welcome party with Truss
7月 July フェアウェルパーティ、運動会 Farewell party, Sports day
京都美山ショートトリップ Short trip to Miyama, Kyoto

京都美山ショートトリップ Short trip to Miyama, Kyoto

福寿ショートトリップとお花見 Short trip to Fukuju Brewery and cherry blossom viewing

福寿ショートトリップとお花見 Short trip to Fukuju Brewery and cherry blossom viewing

ICカフェでは、お昼休みにふらっと立ち寄れて気軽に参加できるミニイベントを行っています。イベント情報は国際共修チューターが管理するLINEグループで共有しています(学内関係者限定)。 Sometimes, we have small lunchtime events at Intercultural Café. Please check our LINE group for information about these events. (The LINE group and events are for members of Kobe University only.)

ICカフェ Intercultural (IC) Café


The Intercultural Café, IC Café, located on the 1st floor of the Bldg. E on the Tsurukabuto 1st Campus, is more than just a room. It’s a vibrant social space where students of the Faculty of Global Human Sciences can gather, relax, and connect. (Please note that the IC Café is exclusively for members of the Faculty of Global Human Sciences and the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies.) It’s not a silent space like a library’s study area; the ICL tutors often use this room for events and activities. During lunchtime, the tutors await incoming exchange students at the IC Café. Let’s talk and have lunch together!

場所 Venue

鶴甲第一キャンパスE棟1階 The 1st floor of the Bldg. E on Tsurukabuto 1st Campus

開室時間 Opening Hours

授業期間中の平日8時30分~17時まで(長期休暇中は閉室しています。)From 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday during the semesters (The IC Café is closed during the Spring and Summer vacations)

ICカフェ入り口 Entrance of the Intercultural Café

ICカフェ入り口 Entrance of IC Café

ICカフェでかるた遊び Japanese traditional playing card game at IC Café

ICカフェでカルタ遊び Japanese traditional playing card game at IC Café

(国際共修チューター・リーダー Leader of ICL Tutors)

国際共修チューターの募集 Apply for ICL Tutors


Those who wish to be an ICL tutor of the Faculty of Global Human Sciences should apply during the application period, usually in February and July. You can find the information about the application for the team of ICL Tutors via GSP news (email), websites, and flyers on campus bulletin boards. Before you apply, please attend the information session so that you can learn more about the roles and expectations of the ICL tutors.

募集時期 Application Period

年2回(2月、7月)February and July

募集人数 Number of People Recruiting

年度によって異なります。 Depends on the academic year

募集要項と応募要件 Application Requirements

国際人間科学部の学生であれば、どの学科の学生も応募可能です。その他の要件については、BEEF + Ventureの国際人間科学部生用ページ(限定公開)に掲載される募集要項で確認してください。Students of the Faculty of Global Human Sciences can apply. For other requirements, please read the application requirements on BEEF + Venture (only for our faculty students).

応募方法 How to Apply

BEEF + Ventureの国際人間科学部生用ページ(限定公開)から申請書類を提出してください。Please submit your application form on BEEF + Venture (only for our faculty students).

問い合わせ Contact

神戸大学国際人間科学部GSP Office

フェアウェルパーティ Farewell Party

フェアウェルパーティ Farewell party

お花見 Hamami picnic

お花見 Hamami picnic

福寿の蔵元神戸酒心館見学 Visit to Fukuju Brewery, Kobe Shushin-kan

福寿の蔵元神戸酒心館見学 Visit to Fukuju Brewery, Kobe Shushin-kan